Why write for Christ?

There are different reasons why writers decide to write for the Christian audience. Whether a religious blog, Christian fiction or worship songs. Whatever the type of writing, they’ve made the decision to write for Christ.

I’ve read the following statement that stuck with me and eventually became my motto in writing: “The Gospel frees us to create for the pure joy of creating, not seeking fortune or fame, but the fame of the One who has called us to create.”  - From Jordan Raynor’s YouVersion devotion, C.S. Lewis & the call to create

This should be the reason why you write for Christ.

For his fame. Not yours.

Not because you want to be admired and labeled as a holy, religious person. Not because you want to sound clever and boast about your knowledge of the Bible and religious aspects. Not for the sake of fortune or fame.

The very first reason why you write for Christ is because you love Him with all of your heart, soul and mind (Matt. 22:37). You want to use this special gift that He gave you to honor Him.

Then, secondly, because you love your neighbor as you love yourself. The Amplified Bible explains this statement in Matt. 22:39 as “unselfishly seek the best or higher good for others.” Writing is your tool in spreading the Gospel. It is a very special way of sharing truths and promises from God’s Word with other people.

In a nutshell, your reasons for being a Christian writer should be to honor God and to bless your readers.

This mindset is liberating.  You can now enjoy creating with words. You don’t have to prove anything to anybody because you are not seeking your own fame. 
You are writing to honor God’s name and to bless your readers, this means you now have the confidence to promote your writing. God has your back. If your words are built on Biblical truths and written under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you can be sure that your message needs to be out there!

Happy writing!


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